Who We Work With

We at The Bridge Group have identified clients that based on both qualitative and quantitative factors are best suited to benefit from our extensive planning expertise. Helping our existing clients understand what those parameters are allows us to be referred to their friends and colleagues of theirs that fit our profile. Ultimately this benefits our clients and our practice because more time is spent servicing existing clients and less is spent having to find people who fit our profile. Truly a win win situation.

Most of our clients either own a closely held business or hold an executive management position in a public or privately held corporation. They tend to be organized in their professional lives, however, for many reasons the financial picture they have is very different than the plan they actually want. They often talk about putting in place strategies that would ensure they maintain an acceptable standard and although productive meetings do take place and some good planning results from it, the complete job just never gets done. Their wealth and how it may impact their community, children and grandchildren is of great concern to them.

Our clients understand the value of forming a long term relationship to assist them in areas they lack knowledge, time and the inclination necessary to accomplish personal objectives that are important to them, their family, business and community.

Our experience has taught us that if the personalities click and trust is earned, our clients enjoy a peace of mind that can only come from knowing their affairs are in order and kept up to date. We have found that gaining peace of mind allows them the freedom to create opportunities for their family today as well as for future generations that otherwise, because of uncertainty, would be difficult to do.

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